Login / Account Management

  • How do I log in to the SHEA learning center?
    • You can log on to the SHEA Learning Center anytime from any computer by clicking “Log in” at the top right corner of the page.
      • Members, please use your existing SHEA username and password.
      • New-users, please select “Create an Account,” complete the required fields and then submit.
  • What if I forget my password?
    • Click here to have it emailed to you. If you do not receive a response upon resetting your password you can contact our Membership & Database Manager at [email protected].
  • How do I change my email address, phone number, or other personal information?
    • You can edit your personal information by going to the SHEA Learning Center home page and clicking on the "My Account" link in the upper right of the page.
    • You can also edit your personal information by hovering over the "My Account" menu tab and then clicking on "Edit Profile."


  • How do I take a course?
    • Select a course from the menu tab "COURSE CATALOG" and complete checkout (if necessary). Once you enroll in the course, you can access it at any time under the "My Account" menu tab , in the "My Courses" drop-down tab.
    • To begin a course, click the "Take Course" button and review the instructions on your screen. Click “Next” at the bottom of the page to progress. As you progress through the course material, you will be prompted to complete a quiz (if applicable) and/or fill out a brief course evaluation to obtain your certificate.
  • Do I have to complete a course in one sitting?
    • No, you do not need to complete any of our activities in a single sitting. You can resume a partially completed course any time before the course expiration date by logging in to your account, hovering over "My Account", then click "My Courses", and selecting the course of your choice from your pending activities. Then click "Take Course" and "Resume Course" to return to wherever you previously left off.
      • There is also a "My Courses" box on the LearningCE homepage where you can view all courses still in progress.
  • When does my course expire?
    • The expiration dates of all courses are listed in the course summary box, under the course "Overview" tab. If the page is inaccessible, the course has already expired.


  • Where are my certificates? 
    • After you successfully complete a course, you can immediately download and print your certificate.
    • For easy reference, a transcript of your course history and certificates are maintained in your SHEA LearningCE account and can be conveniently accessed and reprinted anytime from any computer. Log into your account and hover over the "My Account" menu tab, then select "My Transcript" to view a list of all courses that you have completed. 
      • There is also a "Transcript" box on the LearningCE homepage where you can find all of your completed activities and obtain your certificates.
  • How can I print a transcript of my activities?
    • A transcript of your course history and certificates are maintained in your SHEA LearningCE account and can be conveniently accessed and reprinted. Log in to your account and hover over "My Account", then select "My Transcript." Click on the download pdf icon in the upper right-hand corner to save and print a list of all your activities and credit earned.
      • There is also a "Transcript" box on the LearningCE homepage where you can find all completed activities so you can obtain a transcript of activities. 
  • How can I add credits I received from other organizations?
    • You may add credits received from other organizations by logging in to your account and hovering over "My Account", then click "My Transcript." Under the “My Activities” tab, click “External Credits.” Click “Add Credits” and enter the course name, date completed, and credit hours earned. You also have the option of uploading a certificate.
      • There is also a "Transcript" box on the LearningCE homepage where you can add credits from other organizations.