LearningCE Educational Program/Partnership Proposals InstructionsAs we continue to move forward with 2021 LearningCE content, we encourage all committee members to submit podcast and/or webinar programming ideas, as well organizations/societies for potential joint educational programming. For the former, we encourage programming ideas around the following:Current Affairs / Breaking NewsNew Medicine, Science, or Technology related to Healthcare Epidemiology or Antimicrobial StewardshipOutbreaksMedia ResponseFor partnerships, LearningCE is constantly trying to develop new and lasting relationships with other organizations/societies in which it can partner on educational programming. All submission ideas are encouraged. Are you submitting a program or partnership idea? * You may select both options if you have submissions for each. Program Partnership Proposed Topic Title: * Proposed Partnership Organization * Proposed Speakers: (at least two) * Contact(s) at Potential Partnering Organization * Education Format: * Webinar Podcast Other... Education Format: Other... Description: (one paragraph) * If programming idea, provide a description of the program proposal. If a partnership idea, explain why this connection should be made. Learning Objective(s): * Please provide at least one learning objective for podcasts and three for webinars. Leave this field blank