Patient Safety and Clinical Implications of Hospital Onset Bacteremia and Its Sources
Hospital Onset Bacteremia & Fungemia (HOB) is a new metric proposed by the CDC for NHSN volunteer reporting this calendar year. We aim to answer three main questions based on three recent ICHE publications: 1. what is HOB vs CLABSI; 2. How do urine sources of CAUTI and non-catheter Hospital Onset UTIs contribute to HOB; and 3. How to leverage existing infrastructure mandated by CMS to improve HOB care.
Click here to watch the presentation.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the definition of the newly planned metric hospital onset bacteremia and fungemia (HOB)
- Describe the patient safety risks and healthcare system economic implications of HOB and CLABSI
- Describe how CAUTIs and non-catheter UTIs play a role in HOB events and delineate the clinical issues that need to be addressed
- Samantha Bastow, PharmD, MBA (Associate Director, Medical Affairs – Becton Dickinson and Company)
- Kalvin Yu, MD, FIDSA (Vice President, Medical Affairs North America – Becton Dickinson and Company)
- Rachel Long, MT M Ed. CIC, FAPIC (AVP Infection Prevention, HCA Healthcare)