Antimicrobial Stewardship

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe the mission and objectives of antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs).
  • Identify the different team members of an ASP and the role each member can play in improving antimicrobial usage and clinical outcomes.
  • Define various tools and strategies utilized by ASPs to optimize antimicrobial use.
  • Describe approaches to evaluating the impact of an ASP through measurement of process and outcome measures.
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Original Authors:

Tamar Barlam, MD, MSc
Associate Professor of Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine
No relevant financial disclosures

Emily Sydnor, MD, MS
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Utah School of Medicine
No relevant financial disclosures

Revising Authors (2019):

Anurag Malani, MD
Medical Director
St. Joseph Mercy Health System
No relevant financial disclosures

Ann Fisher, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
No relevant financial disclosures

Revising Authors (2023):

Mayar Al Mohajer, MD, MBA
Baylor College of Medicine
No relevant financial disclosures 
Molly Fleece, MD
Assistant Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
No relevant financial disclosures 

Kimberly Claeys, PharmD
Associate Professor
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Advisory Board: AbbVie, Melinta, La Jolla Pharmaceuticals, bioMerieux, LabSimply
Speaker/Speaker's Bureau: bioMerieux


All of the relevant financial relationships listed have been mitigated


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