SHEA Spring 2021 Plenary Rebroadcast
A highlight of SHEA Spring 2021 was the three outstanding plenaries. That’s why we were excited to host a rebroadcast of the plenaries from SHEA Spring 2021 on November 16th, 2021 for those who may have missed them the first time or just wanted to watch them again.
If you were unable to attend any or all of the event, or you simply want to watch the plenaries again, you can watch all three sessions in this course.
We hope you will join us for SHEA Spring 2022! Register now at sheaspring.org.
Program Agenda:
- Introduction | Tom Sandora, MD, MPH, Boston Children's Hospital
- Opening Plenary: Leadership During a Crisis
- Leading Through Crisis: Experience and Lessons Learned | Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, Resolve to Save Lives
- SHEA's Role in Leadership During COVID-19 | David Henderson, MD, Consultant to NIH and Mary Hayden, MD, Rush University Medical Center
- Looming Challenges: Supporting the Workfroce in Infection Prevention | Sarah Smathers, MPH, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | Gonzalo Bearman, MD, MPH, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Closing Plenary: Leading Anti-racism Efforts in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Prevention | Taison Bell, MD, MBA, University of Virginia
- Closing Comments | Jennifer Hanrahan, DO, MSc, University of Toledo
Tom Sandora, MD, MPH, Boston Children's Hospital
Opening Plenary: Leadership During a Crisis
Leading Through Crisis: Experiences and Lessons Learned
Speaker: Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, Resolve to Save Lives
SHEA's Role in Leadership During COVID-19
Speakers: Mary Hayden, MD, Rush University Medical Center | David Henderson, MD, Consultant to NIH
Looming Challenges: Supporting the Workforce in Infection Prevention
Sarah Smathers, MPH, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Gonzalo Bearman, MD, MPH, Virginia Commonwealth University
Closing Plenary: Leading Anti-racism Efforts in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection
Taison Bell, MD, MBA, University of Virginia
Closing Comments
Jennifer Hanrahan, DO, MSc, University of Toledo