Webinar: Where Do We Go From Here? Taking Prevention CHKC to the Next Level (Part 2)

June 28, 2023

Prevention CHKC alums and participants: grab your favorite beverage, turn on your camera, and join the conversation! Join us on Wednesday, June 28th at 4:00 pm ET (3:00 pm C, 1:00 pm PT) for a virtual networking event and "Converse and Convene" with the Prevention CHKC authors. 

Since you started the course, what infection prevention challenges and successes have you experienced? Do you have ideas or approaches for improvement for your facility or unit that you wish to share? Tell us what you've been doing and hear from others, including several of the course's authors! We will start with a group discussion, and then move into breakout rooms.

The conversation will get started with these questions, but please feel free to bring your own questions, ideas, and stories. 

  1. What challenges are you facing in your institution to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)?
  2. How did Prevention CHKC impact your role on the healthcare team?
  3. What changes have you put in place since this training? Are they successful? What, if anything, would you do differently?
  4. Have you experienced any barriers to making these or other changes to improve infection prevention practices?
  5. How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect best practices now?
  6. What were your key take-aways from the course? What surprised you?
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
06/28/2023 - 4:00pm EDT
Event ends: 
06/28/2023 - 5:00pm EDT
Member cost:


  • Welcome
  • House Keeping Review
  • Moderator Overview of Topic
  • Break Out Discussions - The conversation will get started with the following questions, but please feel free to bring your own questions, ideas, and stories:
  1. What type of challenges are you facing in your institution to prevent and control HAIs?
  2. How has this activity impacted your role on the healthcare team?
  3. What systems have you put in place since this training? Are they successful? What would you do differently?
  4. Where do you want to see changes but there are different barriers making it a challenge?
  5. Does COVID-19 still provide challenges to ensuring best practices?
  6. What were your key take-aways from the course? What surprised you?
  • Recap and Farewell


David Pegues, MD
Cynthia Nguyen, PharmD
Marin Schweizer, PhD


Member cost:
Please login or register to take this course.

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Required Hardware/software

Required Hardware/software

This event will be utilizing Zoom meetings. You will be able to join our event by clicking on the Zoom link provided in the course or through the link provided in your course registration email. If this is your first Zoom meeting on your device, visit https://zoom.us/download.

Please note: this only needs to be done once for any device on which you use Zoom for the first time. Please do this well in advance of the meeting. 

Resources: Zoom SupportZoom Help Center