
Expert Guidance Document: Preparedness and Response to Infectious Disease Outbreaks – November 2017

Concise, evidence-based and expert-led guidance and implementation strategies for incident management of facility and emerging pathogen outbreaks. Guidance will be derived from CDC and public health prevention guidelines and tool kits, implementation tools, expert consensus, and best practice recommendations that address preparedness and response to infectious diseases outbreaks.

Expert Guidance Tool Kits

The SHEA/CDC Outbreak Response Training Program (ORTP) created tool kits as a source for quick, concise information and resources to help you and your facility effectively manage outbreaks. Based on the “SHEA/CDC Expert Guidance Document: Preparedness and Response to Infectious Disease Outbreaks” published in 2017, these interactive tool kits help with actual implementation.

The tool kits feature:

  • Guidance in implementation and leadership during a crisis
  • Expert-selected checklists, flow charts, summaries, and diagrams
  • Downloadable and fillable tables to make sure you have the information you need
  • Free access on mobile devices, desktops, and via the Guideline Central app
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